guess what day is today...
cute cute goldfishhh....
there's a goldfish..
(rupa macam gambar di atas... =P)
birthdaynya hari ini..
and he tell in his blog that i haven wish him!!
apa punya budak...
so.. to "thank him" for his "publicity" in the blog..
i help to do publisity in my blog oso lorr...
giv u c the pic of goldfish...
neh.. the one in the red tank....wakakaka...
dont play play ar..
this goldfish very geng 1 ar...
berenang for continuous two nights..
in a small tank..
with his "fellow friends"
kena pegang , molest by orang ramai...
kena tangkap , lepas dan tangkap..
ke lian ar...
just to earn some money for pesta tanglung ukm ke 29..
n the goldfish and his gang got nothing out of the untung...
n say..
"i wont be coming for malam persembahan pentas to swim anymore"
mana tau...
the goldfish appear pulak..
for mpp...
but not swimming worr...
walking in smart white and black formal wear...
serving the guests...
goldfish appear and sit beside me! wasey!
oh yea..
n i scare he will turn back into goldfish..
so i grab oppurtunity to take pic with him first..
ta da...!
peace.. well... conclusion is..
( i highlight in red n bold oso to balas balik ur "budi baik")
p/s : sorry la.. i got plan do this blog today..
mana tau.. cant online in room.. only msn functioning..
so went out to my college public cc..
no pics , no anything..
gotta curi some pics from friendster n very limited..